Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt

Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt

Quill Peter you know relating to the more youand and there is this unspoken thing of loveand you show it within a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt variety of charactersand love on a variety of levels on that unspoken thing almost with sexual tension love of motherand father love of fatherand son love of other father ends so love on many levels is driving the Galaxy yet love of sisters I think is a big one yet of the relationship between Gomorrahand nebulized by the secondary story within this movie yeah I mean I think that desire you know in some ways I think the guardians learned in the first movie a little bit about how to love I think a lot of the second movie is about learning how to be live so were taking on especially those characters that are almost completely unable to accept any form of love whatsoever so the character of Gandhi played by Michael Rooker the other the character of of rocket the character of nebula play by Karen Guillen these are characters who have never known any sort of love whatsoeverand have an almost impossible time accepting itand watching their struggles with that even though there are aliensand incredible pathetic makeupand there’s silly jokes that are happening around them in explosionsand all this stuff to me that’s it was at the center of the film a few more things that I couldn’t help but find out the center of the film if you don’t might you be put in there I hope you don’t this kind of interesting because this is almost a theme within marble itselfand I don’t know if you put it in there because of that or not it doesn’t matter to me powerand responsibility I remember the original Spidey write that with power comes this response but in your film that’s the same there is that message that with power comes responsibilityand if you misuse that responsibility as a consequenceand if you use it in the most moral way then that has a consequence you know I’m a huge fan of Stanley was one who wrote with great power comes great responsibility from the first in a Spiderman storyand and I I love that phrase for my entire life I know Stanley now because I’ve directed them in a bunch of cameosand and I love them I love them I just this cameo is to gather Canadaand Alexandria but as Stan is that you know a great guyand I think that that’s all that that sentiment is always move me that’s always been at the center of so much of what Marvel comics are about not even the MCU Marvel cinematic universe but within Marvel comics himself so I didn’t purposely go outand say oh I’m in a put this in the movie because it’s about you know is Marvel but I think that Marvel comics is affected my life I’ve read them my entire life I still read so it’s been some sense of been a big part of something that surprised meand I’ll tell you it reminded me of something that I think we can discuss that later but the line though took me I think there’s a lot more behind itand I want to explore with you two types of people exist now this is kind of funny because in this particular universe there’s thousand types are 1 million types of yes but two types of people those who danceand those who don’tand that comes up a few times within the film yet will that was selling attractors the beginning of the movie I don’t really know drags is right he’s definitely not the one who sees life the most clearly in the movie although he does have say some other wonderful things in the filmand that the performance by David these know one of the best in the movie but yet he says that about a Gomorrah tip to Peter quote the beginning that Peter Quill is a dancer Gomorrah is not an easy really just let it goand then later we find out that that is probably not exactly the situation there that she might be a dancer but racks finds only people who don’t dance attractive which is kind of strangeand what he says as he fell in love with his wife because he was in some sort of giant tribal warrior dance thing where everybody was jumping aroundand dancing to the beatand he looks over in the cornerand he sees one win one woman his old that who was completely still she didn’t move a muscle’s he didn’t even tap her foot one might even assume she was deadand I made has made a very sexually excitedand so he goes on about at the Peter quelland that’s how he thought loves that rack has his own special way of looking at the world I must be as to him that you are absent perhaps I I find what he says to mantis later on to be certain of the most interesting thing that he says in the movie because he touches him Reba Fino before Lena before she touched heat key think she’s very ugly is a very beautiful woman should pay back the weight limit any spoilers like I can spoil youand you can go but he tells her you think that he’s very uglyand then he tells her that she’s lucky to be ugly because only ugly people know that their loved one other people love them because everybody you know beautiful people never know who to trust let’s you brought her upand you are not to spoil it if you do it with intelligent people know to whatand again I’ve had many philosophers on this show who say that this is the key to all of humanity’s survival empathy many believe is the key to how we became humans yesand back directed that you just spoke of is the ultimate guests yet mean she is able to touch someoneand feel their emotions she doesn’t read their thoughts she feels what they feel which we gently feel that using does know what it is she experiences in herself that is anything that is sympathizing empathy is actually dealing with a feeling that’s what she is able to doand I think that is that there’s either the great book called better angels of our nature as I don’t I give you know that Buchan was about how you know we we normally look at the world is a world in which you know it’s kind of getting worse because there’s more war more this but it’s about how really a world isn’t getting more violent it’s getting more empathetic in generaland that people way back when used to empathize perhaps for their childrenand their wife in over time are our ability to empathize has become a widerand wider circleand as we go forward in in history perhaps it will start to encompass a little bit of a wider circle I think you see a lot of people who don’t empathize with people outside of their own immediate surroundingsand that’s a it is I think a less evolved way of looking at the world that empathy exists even at that level is important but I think there’s an attachment to another line that you wrote about I desired meaning you imbue the universe with the search for meaningand purpose in a sense that is in a weird way there seemed like a search for everyone to be of human I can’t help that that’s what I felt I they worried all humans but it was a quality that they were searching for that was deeply human will I think that’s I think that 100 trueand AA think that you see that through Kurt Russell’s character or think you see that especially through rocket neon doing what their relationship becomes in the movie I think that you see these people who are searching to have some form of humanity within themselvesand have never have many experiences slightest amounts of it here’s one we are you again go back to what it is to be humanand that is history calls great yeahand and I do believe in this case you meant man as mankind I because yet people being zany in this movie really it isn’t it a little discussing this film because I’m always saying peopleand humans in this matter you know whatever but really is being since creatures it’s what we all areand whatever talking raccoon isand whatever a green warrior is but that’s where you see that the history called on certain people that literally required the ultimate form ofand in that case the ultimate form of sacrifice I think I think that yeah yeah yeahand I think that that’sand I think you have to think about what the whole context of all that is I think is a lot of rationalizations that are happening in the movie based around these supposedly loftier concepts you were people are using lofty concepts to rationalize their own ill behavior of one type or anotherand inand it happens pretty pretty often threat the movie especially by some the characters who are a bit more I mean I usually see the very beginning of the movie is is transgressed but her reaction to that transgression is is enormously out of balance with the transgression itself that you know something in a situation with a film like this because of so many speciesand things like that there could be an excuse if you wanted to take it to have what I would call a moral development relativistic viewpointand that it does not yet has such a strong moral code that it’s almost hard to describe because it is based amongst such actionand terminate yet there is such deep moralityand on as I said it’s not relative to who you are it is to the best of our knowledge what we would call true moral value 100 I mean I’m not a moral relativist so I think that it’s you know at the that the basis of everything is at this belief that you know loveand inand taking care of your fellow beings is the highest calling that you can have it’s the one thing that really gives us any sort of hope or joy or what we know whatsoeverand and I think that that’s in every every piece of the filmand everything leads to I think this might be the most important lineand I’ll say it because this gives in my opinion hope to everyone you don’t have to believe in yourself if someone leaves I don’t know you did you mean to get that deep on us or not but man I heard that lineand I just said yeah yeah I love the line to the characters says that I’m not sure it’s exactly I got on the level I know I know but nonetheless a line that comes can help you but that line when it comes out refreshing you yeah yeah I mean I the good that they works in the moment so it is a good the it’s in our neck carried the characters of I know it I get boiler no alert were not saying it my gosh I said we could talk forever our time is up amazing games right you told me I went I I am done I thought I I’m over already especially by not adding clips I just want to say games you so much for doing everything you do thank you I reallyand thank you for joining us now before we leave I’d like to review with these more words from guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 that thing you search for your whole life is right besides youand you don’t even I’m Barry you can search the star more often than not it seems is the keep in mind as soon as 1924 two I’m not. James is desperate for a ride back to los angeles and connects with kanye west who is traveling with his sunday service choir by airplane. And 10 O’clock CNN When I Arrived at Ashton’s House the Gates Were Closed Official Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Dear frap fanatic yep there is a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt starbucks at cia headquarters it s actually one of the busiest starbucks in the country. And was working with the willies he was 25 years old. Even kamelion could come back to help the doctor See Other related products: rugby football shirt and shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Quill Peter you know relating to the more youand and there is this unspoken thing of loveand you show it within a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt variety of charactersand love on a variety of levels on that unspoken thing almost with sexual tension love of motherand father love of fatherand son love of other father ends so love on many levels is driving the Galaxy yet love of sisters I think is a big one yet of the relationship between Gomorrahand nebulized by the secondary story within this movie yeah I mean I think that desire you know in some ways I think the guardians learned in the first movie a little bit about how to love I think a lot of the second movie is about learning how to be live so were taking on especially those characters that are almost completely unable to accept any form of love whatsoever so the character of Gandhi played by Michael Rooker the other the character of of rocket the character of nebula play by Karen Guillen these are characters who have never known any sort of love whatsoeverand have an almost impossible time accepting itand watching their struggles with that even though there are aliensand incredible pathetic makeupand there’s silly jokes that are happening around them in explosionsand all this stuff to me that’s it was at the center of the film a few more things that I couldn’t help but find out the center of the film if you don’t might you be put in there I hope you don’t this kind of interesting because this is almost a theme within marble itselfand I don’t know if you put it in there because of that or not it doesn’t matter to me powerand responsibility I remember the original Spidey write that with power comes this response but in your film that’s the same there is that message that with power comes responsibilityand if you misuse that responsibility as a consequenceand if you use it in the most moral way then that has a consequence you know I’m a huge fan of Stanley was one who wrote with great power comes great responsibility from the first in a Spiderman storyand and I I love that phrase for my entire life I know Stanley now because I’ve directed them in a bunch of cameosand and I love them I love them I just this cameo is to gather Canadaand Alexandria but as Stan is that you know a great guyand I think that that’s all that that sentiment is always move me that’s always been at the center of so much of what Marvel comics are about not even the MCU Marvel cinematic universe but within Marvel comics himself so I didn’t purposely go outand say oh I’m in a put this in the movie because it’s about you know is Marvel but I think that Marvel comics is affected my life I’ve read them my entire life I still read so it’s been some sense of been a big part of something that surprised meand I’ll tell you it reminded me of something that I think we can discuss that later but the line though took me I think there’s a lot more behind itand I want to explore with you two types of people exist now this is kind of funny because in this particular universe there’s thousand types are 1 million types of yes but two types of people those who danceand those who don’tand that comes up a few times within the film yet will that was selling attractors the beginning of the movie I don’t really know drags is right he’s definitely not the one who sees life the most clearly in the movie although he does have say some other wonderful things in the filmand that the performance by David these know one of the best in the movie but yet he says that about a Gomorrah tip to Peter quote the beginning that Peter Quill is a dancer Gomorrah is not an easy really just let it goand then later we find out that that is probably not exactly the situation there that she might be a dancer but racks finds only people who don’t dance attractive which is kind of strangeand what he says as he fell in love with his wife because he was in some sort of giant tribal warrior dance thing where everybody was jumping aroundand dancing to the beatand he looks over in the cornerand he sees one win one woman his old that who was completely still she didn’t move a muscle’s he didn’t even tap her foot one might even assume she was deadand I made has made a very sexually excitedand so he goes on about at the Peter quelland that’s how he thought loves that rack has his own special way of looking at the world I must be as to him that you are absent perhaps I I find what he says to mantis later on to be certain of the most interesting thing that he says in the movie because he touches him Reba Fino before Lena before she touched heat key think she’s very ugly is a very beautiful woman should pay back the weight limit any spoilers like I can spoil youand you can go but he tells her you think that he’s very uglyand then he tells her that she’s lucky to be ugly because only ugly people know that their loved one other people love them because everybody you know beautiful people never know who to trust let’s you brought her upand you are not to spoil it if you do it with intelligent people know to whatand again I’ve had many philosophers on this show who say that this is the key to all of humanity’s survival empathy many believe is the key to how we became humans yesand back directed that you just spoke of is the ultimate guests yet mean she is able to touch someoneand feel their emotions she doesn’t read their thoughts she feels what they feel which we gently feel that using does know what it is she experiences in herself that is anything that is sympathizing empathy is actually dealing with a feeling that’s what she is able to doand I think that is that there’s either the great book called better angels of our nature as I don’t I give you know that Buchan was about how you know we we normally look at the world is a world in which you know it’s kind of getting worse because there’s more war more this but it’s about how really a world isn’t getting more violent it’s getting more empathetic in generaland that people way back when used to empathize perhaps for their childrenand their wife in over time are our ability to empathize has become a widerand wider circleand as we go forward in in history perhaps it will start to encompass a little bit of a wider circle I think you see a lot of people who don’t empathize with people outside of their own immediate surroundingsand that’s a it is I think a less evolved way of looking at the world that empathy exists even at that level is important but I think there’s an attachment to another line that you wrote about I desired meaning you imbue the universe with the search for meaningand purpose in a sense that is in a weird way there seemed like a search for everyone to be of human I can’t help that that’s what I felt I they worried all humans but it was a quality that they were searching for that was deeply human will I think that’s I think that 100 trueand AA think that you see that through Kurt Russell’s character or think you see that especially through rocket neon doing what their relationship becomes in the movie I think that you see these people who are searching to have some form of humanity within themselvesand have never have many experiences slightest amounts of it here’s one we are you again go back to what it is to be humanand that is history calls great yeahand and I do believe in this case you meant man as mankind I because yet people being zany in this movie really it isn’t it a little discussing this film because I’m always saying peopleand humans in this matter you know whatever but really is being since creatures it’s what we all areand whatever talking raccoon isand whatever a green warrior is but that’s where you see that the history called on certain people that literally required the ultimate form ofand in that case the ultimate form of sacrifice I think I think that yeah yeah yeahand I think that that’sand I think you have to think about what the whole context of all that is I think is a lot of rationalizations that are happening in the movie based around these supposedly loftier concepts you were people are using lofty concepts to rationalize their own ill behavior of one type or anotherand inand it happens pretty pretty often threat the movie especially by some the characters who are a bit more I mean I usually see the very beginning of the movie is is transgressed but her reaction to that transgression is is enormously out of balance with the transgression itself that you know something in a situation with a film like this because of so many speciesand things like that there could be an excuse if you wanted to take it to have what I would call a moral development relativistic viewpointand that it does not yet has such a strong moral code that it’s almost hard to describe because it is based amongst such actionand terminate yet there is such deep moralityand on as I said it’s not relative to who you are it is to the best of our knowledge what we would call true moral value 100 I mean I’m not a moral relativist so I think that it’s you know at the that the basis of everything is at this belief that you know loveand inand taking care of your fellow beings is the highest calling that you can have it’s the one thing that really gives us any sort of hope or joy or what we know whatsoeverand and I think that that’s in every every piece of the filmand everything leads to I think this might be the most important lineand I’ll say it because this gives in my opinion hope to everyone you don’t have to believe in yourself if someone leaves I don’t know you did you mean to get that deep on us or not but man I heard that lineand I just said yeah yeah I love the line to the characters says that I’m not sure it’s exactly I got on the level I know I know but nonetheless a line that comes can help you but that line when it comes out refreshing you yeah yeah I mean I the good that they works in the moment so it is a good the it’s in our neck carried the characters of I know it I get boiler no alert were not saying it my gosh I said we could talk forever our time is up amazing games right you told me I went I I am done I thought I I’m over already especially by not adding clips I just want to say games you so much for doing everything you do thank you I reallyand thank you for joining us now before we leave I’d like to review with these more words from guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 that thing you search for your whole life is right besides youand you don’t even I’m Barry you can search the star more often than not it seems is the keep in mind as soon as 1924 two I’m not. James is desperate for a ride back to los angeles and connects with kanye west who is traveling with his sunday service choir by airplane. And 10 O’clock CNN When I Arrived at Ashton’s House the Gates Were Closed Official Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Dear frap fanatic yep there is a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt starbucks at cia headquarters it s actually one of the busiest starbucks in the country. And was working with the willies he was 25 years old. Even kamelion could come back to help the doctor See Other related products: rugby football shirt and shirt

Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt - from tomorrowshirts.blogspot.com 1

Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt - from tomorrowshirts.blogspot.com 1

Quill Peter you know relating to the more youand and there is this unspoken thing of loveand you show it within a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt variety of charactersand love on a variety of levels on that unspoken thing almost with sexual tension love of motherand father love of fatherand son love of other father ends so love on many levels is driving the Galaxy yet love of sisters I think is a big one yet of the relationship between Gomorrahand nebulized by the secondary story within this movie yeah I mean I think that desire you know in some ways I think the guardians learned in the first movie a little bit about how to love I think a lot of the second movie is about learning how to be live so were taking on especially those characters that are almost completely unable to accept any form of love whatsoever so the character of Gandhi played by Michael Rooker the other the character of of rocket the character of nebula play by Karen Guillen these are characters who have never known any sort of love whatsoeverand have an almost impossible time accepting itand watching their struggles with that even though there are aliensand incredible pathetic makeupand there’s silly jokes that are happening around them in explosionsand all this stuff to me that’s it was at the center of the film a few more things that I couldn’t help but find out the center of the film if you don’t might you be put in there I hope you don’t this kind of interesting because this is almost a theme within marble itselfand I don’t know if you put it in there because of that or not it doesn’t matter to me powerand responsibility I remember the original Spidey write that with power comes this response but in your film that’s the same there is that message that with power comes responsibilityand if you misuse that responsibility as a consequenceand if you use it in the most moral way then that has a consequence you know I’m a huge fan of Stanley was one who wrote with great power comes great responsibility from the first in a Spiderman storyand and I I love that phrase for my entire life I know Stanley now because I’ve directed them in a bunch of cameosand and I love them I love them I just this cameo is to gather Canadaand Alexandria but as Stan is that you know a great guyand I think that that’s all that that sentiment is always move me that’s always been at the center of so much of what Marvel comics are about not even the MCU Marvel cinematic universe but within Marvel comics himself so I didn’t purposely go outand say oh I’m in a put this in the movie because it’s about you know is Marvel but I think that Marvel comics is affected my life I’ve read them my entire life I still read so it’s been some sense of been a big part of something that surprised meand I’ll tell you it reminded me of something that I think we can discuss that later but the line though took me I think there’s a lot more behind itand I want to explore with you two types of people exist now this is kind of funny because in this particular universe there’s thousand types are 1 million types of yes but two types of people those who danceand those who don’tand that comes up a few times within the film yet will that was selling attractors the beginning of the movie I don’t really know drags is right he’s definitely not the one who sees life the most clearly in the movie although he does have say some other wonderful things in the filmand that the performance by David these know one of the best in the movie but yet he says that about a Gomorrah tip to Peter quote the beginning that Peter Quill is a dancer Gomorrah is not an easy really just let it goand then later we find out that that is probably not exactly the situation there that she might be a dancer but racks finds only people who don’t dance attractive which is kind of strangeand what he says as he fell in love with his wife because he was in some sort of giant tribal warrior dance thing where everybody was jumping aroundand dancing to the beatand he looks over in the cornerand he sees one win one woman his old that who was completely still she didn’t move a muscle’s he didn’t even tap her foot one might even assume she was deadand I made has made a very sexually excitedand so he goes on about at the Peter quelland that’s how he thought loves that rack has his own special way of looking at the world I must be as to him that you are absent perhaps I I find what he says to mantis later on to be certain of the most interesting thing that he says in the movie because he touches him Reba Fino before Lena before she touched heat key think she’s very ugly is a very beautiful woman should pay back the weight limit any spoilers like I can spoil youand you can go but he tells her you think that he’s very uglyand then he tells her that she’s lucky to be ugly because only ugly people know that their loved one other people love them because everybody you know beautiful people never know who to trust let’s you brought her upand you are not to spoil it if you do it with intelligent people know to whatand again I’ve had many philosophers on this show who say that this is the key to all of humanity’s survival empathy many believe is the key to how we became humans yesand back directed that you just spoke of is the ultimate guests yet mean she is able to touch someoneand feel their emotions she doesn’t read their thoughts she feels what they feel which we gently feel that using does know what it is she experiences in herself that is anything that is sympathizing empathy is actually dealing with a feeling that’s what she is able to doand I think that is that there’s either the great book called better angels of our nature as I don’t I give you know that Buchan was about how you know we we normally look at the world is a world in which you know it’s kind of getting worse because there’s more war more this but it’s about how really a world isn’t getting more violent it’s getting more empathetic in generaland that people way back when used to empathize perhaps for their childrenand their wife in over time are our ability to empathize has become a widerand wider circleand as we go forward in in history perhaps it will start to encompass a little bit of a wider circle I think you see a lot of people who don’t empathize with people outside of their own immediate surroundingsand that’s a it is I think a less evolved way of looking at the world that empathy exists even at that level is important but I think there’s an attachment to another line that you wrote about I desired meaning you imbue the universe with the search for meaningand purpose in a sense that is in a weird way there seemed like a search for everyone to be of human I can’t help that that’s what I felt I they worried all humans but it was a quality that they were searching for that was deeply human will I think that’s I think that 100 trueand AA think that you see that through Kurt Russell’s character or think you see that especially through rocket neon doing what their relationship becomes in the movie I think that you see these people who are searching to have some form of humanity within themselvesand have never have many experiences slightest amounts of it here’s one we are you again go back to what it is to be humanand that is history calls great yeahand and I do believe in this case you meant man as mankind I because yet people being zany in this movie really it isn’t it a little discussing this film because I’m always saying peopleand humans in this matter you know whatever but really is being since creatures it’s what we all areand whatever talking raccoon isand whatever a green warrior is but that’s where you see that the history called on certain people that literally required the ultimate form ofand in that case the ultimate form of sacrifice I think I think that yeah yeah yeahand I think that that’sand I think you have to think about what the whole context of all that is I think is a lot of rationalizations that are happening in the movie based around these supposedly loftier concepts you were people are using lofty concepts to rationalize their own ill behavior of one type or anotherand inand it happens pretty pretty often threat the movie especially by some the characters who are a bit more I mean I usually see the very beginning of the movie is is transgressed but her reaction to that transgression is is enormously out of balance with the transgression itself that you know something in a situation with a film like this because of so many speciesand things like that there could be an excuse if you wanted to take it to have what I would call a moral development relativistic viewpointand that it does not yet has such a strong moral code that it’s almost hard to describe because it is based amongst such actionand terminate yet there is such deep moralityand on as I said it’s not relative to who you are it is to the best of our knowledge what we would call true moral value 100 I mean I’m not a moral relativist so I think that it’s you know at the that the basis of everything is at this belief that you know loveand inand taking care of your fellow beings is the highest calling that you can have it’s the one thing that really gives us any sort of hope or joy or what we know whatsoeverand and I think that that’s in every every piece of the filmand everything leads to I think this might be the most important lineand I’ll say it because this gives in my opinion hope to everyone you don’t have to believe in yourself if someone leaves I don’t know you did you mean to get that deep on us or not but man I heard that lineand I just said yeah yeah I love the line to the characters says that I’m not sure it’s exactly I got on the level I know I know but nonetheless a line that comes can help you but that line when it comes out refreshing you yeah yeah I mean I the good that they works in the moment so it is a good the it’s in our neck carried the characters of I know it I get boiler no alert were not saying it my gosh I said we could talk forever our time is up amazing games right you told me I went I I am done I thought I I’m over already especially by not adding clips I just want to say games you so much for doing everything you do thank you I reallyand thank you for joining us now before we leave I’d like to review with these more words from guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 that thing you search for your whole life is right besides youand you don’t even I’m Barry you can search the star more often than not it seems is the keep in mind as soon as 1924 two I’m not. James is desperate for a ride back to los angeles and connects with kanye west who is traveling with his sunday service choir by airplane. And 10 O’clock CNN When I Arrived at Ashton’s House the Gates Were Closed Official Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Dear frap fanatic yep there is a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt starbucks at cia headquarters it s actually one of the busiest starbucks in the country. And was working with the willies he was 25 years old. Even kamelion could come back to help the doctor See Other related products: rugby football shirt and shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Quill Peter you know relating to the more youand and there is this unspoken thing of loveand you show it within a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt variety of charactersand love on a variety of levels on that unspoken thing almost with sexual tension love of motherand father love of fatherand son love of other father ends so love on many levels is driving the Galaxy yet love of sisters I think is a big one yet of the relationship between Gomorrahand nebulized by the secondary story within this movie yeah I mean I think that desire you know in some ways I think the guardians learned in the first movie a little bit about how to love I think a lot of the second movie is about learning how to be live so were taking on especially those characters that are almost completely unable to accept any form of love whatsoever so the character of Gandhi played by Michael Rooker the other the character of of rocket the character of nebula play by Karen Guillen these are characters who have never known any sort of love whatsoeverand have an almost impossible time accepting itand watching their struggles with that even though there are aliensand incredible pathetic makeupand there’s silly jokes that are happening around them in explosionsand all this stuff to me that’s it was at the center of the film a few more things that I couldn’t help but find out the center of the film if you don’t might you be put in there I hope you don’t this kind of interesting because this is almost a theme within marble itselfand I don’t know if you put it in there because of that or not it doesn’t matter to me powerand responsibility I remember the original Spidey write that with power comes this response but in your film that’s the same there is that message that with power comes responsibilityand if you misuse that responsibility as a consequenceand if you use it in the most moral way then that has a consequence you know I’m a huge fan of Stanley was one who wrote with great power comes great responsibility from the first in a Spiderman storyand and I I love that phrase for my entire life I know Stanley now because I’ve directed them in a bunch of cameosand and I love them I love them I just this cameo is to gather Canadaand Alexandria but as Stan is that you know a great guyand I think that that’s all that that sentiment is always move me that’s always been at the center of so much of what Marvel comics are about not even the MCU Marvel cinematic universe but within Marvel comics himself so I didn’t purposely go outand say oh I’m in a put this in the movie because it’s about you know is Marvel but I think that Marvel comics is affected my life I’ve read them my entire life I still read so it’s been some sense of been a big part of something that surprised meand I’ll tell you it reminded me of something that I think we can discuss that later but the line though took me I think there’s a lot more behind itand I want to explore with you two types of people exist now this is kind of funny because in this particular universe there’s thousand types are 1 million types of yes but two types of people those who danceand those who don’tand that comes up a few times within the film yet will that was selling attractors the beginning of the movie I don’t really know drags is right he’s definitely not the one who sees life the most clearly in the movie although he does have say some other wonderful things in the filmand that the performance by David these know one of the best in the movie but yet he says that about a Gomorrah tip to Peter quote the beginning that Peter Quill is a dancer Gomorrah is not an easy really just let it goand then later we find out that that is probably not exactly the situation there that she might be a dancer but racks finds only people who don’t dance attractive which is kind of strangeand what he says as he fell in love with his wife because he was in some sort of giant tribal warrior dance thing where everybody was jumping aroundand dancing to the beatand he looks over in the cornerand he sees one win one woman his old that who was completely still she didn’t move a muscle’s he didn’t even tap her foot one might even assume she was deadand I made has made a very sexually excitedand so he goes on about at the Peter quelland that’s how he thought loves that rack has his own special way of looking at the world I must be as to him that you are absent perhaps I I find what he says to mantis later on to be certain of the most interesting thing that he says in the movie because he touches him Reba Fino before Lena before she touched heat key think she’s very ugly is a very beautiful woman should pay back the weight limit any spoilers like I can spoil youand you can go but he tells her you think that he’s very uglyand then he tells her that she’s lucky to be ugly because only ugly people know that their loved one other people love them because everybody you know beautiful people never know who to trust let’s you brought her upand you are not to spoil it if you do it with intelligent people know to whatand again I’ve had many philosophers on this show who say that this is the key to all of humanity’s survival empathy many believe is the key to how we became humans yesand back directed that you just spoke of is the ultimate guests yet mean she is able to touch someoneand feel their emotions she doesn’t read their thoughts she feels what they feel which we gently feel that using does know what it is she experiences in herself that is anything that is sympathizing empathy is actually dealing with a feeling that’s what she is able to doand I think that is that there’s either the great book called better angels of our nature as I don’t I give you know that Buchan was about how you know we we normally look at the world is a world in which you know it’s kind of getting worse because there’s more war more this but it’s about how really a world isn’t getting more violent it’s getting more empathetic in generaland that people way back when used to empathize perhaps for their childrenand their wife in over time are our ability to empathize has become a widerand wider circleand as we go forward in in history perhaps it will start to encompass a little bit of a wider circle I think you see a lot of people who don’t empathize with people outside of their own immediate surroundingsand that’s a it is I think a less evolved way of looking at the world that empathy exists even at that level is important but I think there’s an attachment to another line that you wrote about I desired meaning you imbue the universe with the search for meaningand purpose in a sense that is in a weird way there seemed like a search for everyone to be of human I can’t help that that’s what I felt I they worried all humans but it was a quality that they were searching for that was deeply human will I think that’s I think that 100 trueand AA think that you see that through Kurt Russell’s character or think you see that especially through rocket neon doing what their relationship becomes in the movie I think that you see these people who are searching to have some form of humanity within themselvesand have never have many experiences slightest amounts of it here’s one we are you again go back to what it is to be humanand that is history calls great yeahand and I do believe in this case you meant man as mankind I because yet people being zany in this movie really it isn’t it a little discussing this film because I’m always saying peopleand humans in this matter you know whatever but really is being since creatures it’s what we all areand whatever talking raccoon isand whatever a green warrior is but that’s where you see that the history called on certain people that literally required the ultimate form ofand in that case the ultimate form of sacrifice I think I think that yeah yeah yeahand I think that that’sand I think you have to think about what the whole context of all that is I think is a lot of rationalizations that are happening in the movie based around these supposedly loftier concepts you were people are using lofty concepts to rationalize their own ill behavior of one type or anotherand inand it happens pretty pretty often threat the movie especially by some the characters who are a bit more I mean I usually see the very beginning of the movie is is transgressed but her reaction to that transgression is is enormously out of balance with the transgression itself that you know something in a situation with a film like this because of so many speciesand things like that there could be an excuse if you wanted to take it to have what I would call a moral development relativistic viewpointand that it does not yet has such a strong moral code that it’s almost hard to describe because it is based amongst such actionand terminate yet there is such deep moralityand on as I said it’s not relative to who you are it is to the best of our knowledge what we would call true moral value 100 I mean I’m not a moral relativist so I think that it’s you know at the that the basis of everything is at this belief that you know loveand inand taking care of your fellow beings is the highest calling that you can have it’s the one thing that really gives us any sort of hope or joy or what we know whatsoeverand and I think that that’s in every every piece of the filmand everything leads to I think this might be the most important lineand I’ll say it because this gives in my opinion hope to everyone you don’t have to believe in yourself if someone leaves I don’t know you did you mean to get that deep on us or not but man I heard that lineand I just said yeah yeah I love the line to the characters says that I’m not sure it’s exactly I got on the level I know I know but nonetheless a line that comes can help you but that line when it comes out refreshing you yeah yeah I mean I the good that they works in the moment so it is a good the it’s in our neck carried the characters of I know it I get boiler no alert were not saying it my gosh I said we could talk forever our time is up amazing games right you told me I went I I am done I thought I I’m over already especially by not adding clips I just want to say games you so much for doing everything you do thank you I reallyand thank you for joining us now before we leave I’d like to review with these more words from guardians of the Galaxy volume 2 that thing you search for your whole life is right besides youand you don’t even I’m Barry you can search the star more often than not it seems is the keep in mind as soon as 1924 two I’m not. James is desperate for a ride back to los angeles and connects with kanye west who is traveling with his sunday service choir by airplane. And 10 O’clock CNN When I Arrived at Ashton’s House the Gates Were Closed Official Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Dear frap fanatic yep there is a Raccoon That's What I Do I Drink Wine I Eat Trash And I Know Things Vintage T-Shirt starbucks at cia headquarters it s actually one of the busiest starbucks in the country. And was working with the willies he was 25 years old. Even kamelion could come back to help the doctor See Other related products: rugby football shirt and shirt

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