Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt

Want to wear over the course ofthree months it seems a Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt bit restrictiveat first and that includes everythingshirts pants shoes I guess it probablydoesn’t include underwear but realminimalists don’t wear underwear I’mjust kidding Ryan and I share a pair ofunderwear gross but but what you can dois you set up these these sort ofboundaries for you and they allow you torealize like wait a minutethese 33 pieces of clothes end up beingmy favorite clothes you’re going to pickyour favorite things if you’re limitedto 33 items and what I see may seem abit draconian at first you can expand itbeyond them if you want you get tocreate your own rules right and so andyou also mentioned that you have afamily of kids oh nice okay so I thinkthe important thing to notice with withyour kids is they’re watching you aswell and and so whatever habits you havethey’re gonna pick up and the goodthat’s actually good news because if youhave good habits especially aroundshopping they often pick up those habitsas well now they’re gonna pick up. Gonnabe a Bogaerts in Cincinnati I’ve seencountless concerts at Bogaerts inCincinnati and now we get to go talkabout minimalism at Bogaerts and I justfeel great about that so ColumbusCleveland come out and see us we’relooking forward to seeing you that’s theend of that first leg and then if you goto the minimalists calm slash tour youcan see we’re working on 28 potentialcities now these cities may change basedon venue availability but subscribe toour email list that way you can be thefirst to know about upcoming events sohere are some potential cities we mightcome to in August through December so wemight hit Canada Saskatoon EdmontonCalgary Vancouver Montreal Ottawa otherwas one of my favorites houseyeah me too how solid are we on thesecities that we might like if you give mea percentage well I mean for any we’redefinitely gonna be going to some ofthem the question is yeah I mean it’sjust hard to book a tour right and sothese are decisions were trying to bookright now if I had to guess of thesetwenty eight will. It I definitelyencourage you to check it out if youhappen to be in the Los Angeles areaalright Sean I think that’s all I havefor now what we’ll we’ll move on to thislive version of the minimalist podcastin Pittsburgh I know I really enjoyedthis and I hope you do toowell hello everybody my name is Joshuafields Millburn and I am Ryan Nicodemusand together we are the minimalist andwe are live in Pittsburgh helloPittsburghy’all are awesome thank you so muchso we have a microphone set up hereusually what we do is we take phonecalls but you don’t need to call usright now because we’re all here in thesame room right and so if you’reanywhere even way in the back you’rewelcome to come on up here ask yourquestions we’ll get through as many aswe can we we tend to pontificate alittle bit so you can come up here askyour questions and eventually we’ll tryto get to a lightening round as wellsomeone has to break the ice yetthe microphones right here in case therewe go all right my name is AngieGonzalez thank you welcome to Pittsburghthank

Source: Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt

Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt
Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt

See more: Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt

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And scanningparties and buying a Things I Do In My Spare Time Go Running T-Shirt scanner and whatnotRyan is right there’s an app for thatand my favorite app for scanning iscalled tiny scan it’s a really awesomeapp it’s free for a limited number ofdocuments but if you have a lot ofdocuments you can upgrade to the proversion for 4 99 so basically just takea picture of your documents or photosand you can save it as a color black andwhite or a photo and it emails you thefile so it’s really great and hopefullysome people will get some use out of ithi guys this is Nicole from OmahaNebraska and I wanted to share how Iovercame my depression a few years agoand one way that it really really offsetmy depression was the book The HappinessProject by Gretchen Rubin I read itand it really really changed myperspective on how to live a happierlifeand to throw away my depression um overa matter of months her book just reallyoutlines ways to boost your happiness byeither decluttering or spending moretime with friends that you haven’t seenfor a while and just basic everydaypoints to. Of hats we have a friend RobinDevine she makes hats calm and well shemakes hats well no I guess I guess whereI’m going with that is quite often we’llhave people who have like these boxesand boxes of photographs their parentspass down to them and and we alwaysadvocate doing something called ascanning party but occasionally whatsomeone will do is they’ll take someoneelse’s photos and turn it into artsomehow and so the question is is therea creative way for you to repurpose thisand I don’t know but there might be andI think if you were to ask three five ofyour friends then you’ll find three orfive different creative ways torepurpose it yeah and really and if I’mway off base just tell me but like let’ssay you went home tonight and like thatquote like spontaneously combusted andthank God like that’s the only thingthat burn in your closet like youprobably would like probably like ohdon’t worry about that anymoreit doesn’t need to catch fire for you tonot worry about itthank you we got we got these last fourand then we’ll try. Figure out wherethe best things to keep that I might noteat right this moment but that I mightneed in six months or four months orwhenever it is I do decide to move outon my own so just looking to see maybeif you could give me some advice on whatmight be good to keep for that first offthanks thank you for itgratulations on on getting workingtoward getting out of that I know it’sit’s so overpowering you know I had sixfigures worth of debt half a millionfigures worth of debt half a milliondollars if you count my mortgage and Ijust felt like trapped I felt stuck andso congratulations for working towardthat it took me a long time and a lot ofjust really scraping by but I can tellyou what I would do if I was in yoursituation I can’t tell you what to dobut I can certainly tell you what Iwould do with all of that stuff I wouldlook at it and let’s say what items if Ididn’t have any of these items which ofthese individual items would Irepurchase and go shopping amongst yourown stuff and keep only the things thatyou would
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