Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage T Shirt

I needed my phone to feel safecalm whole and just like that child whenI lost it man I lost itpanic struck each time my hand andvoluntarily breached the pocket wherethe device normally waited for me numberfour impulsivity the opposite ofintention is impulse which accuratelydescribed my former relationship with mysmartphone I acted primarily on impulsealways reacting to what my phoneinstructed me to do I wasn’t using thephone the phone was using me number fivethis is the last problem that I had withthe smartphone urgency my cell phonecame equippedwith a I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage T Shirt false sense of urgency whichhelped me construct a facade of spuriousself importance of course I needed myphone on me at all times because I’m sodamn important that you know what ifsomeone needs to get a hold of me rightnow in reality that’s nearly never thecase because most emergencies aren’treal emergencies truth be told I’m anoutstanding friend but if you have areal emergency I’m not the best guy tocall if your water heater breaks call aplumber if a burglar strikes. Your documentary and I went crazyand sold and threw away things and myfamily got scaredisn’t that the weird thing like so ifyou start getting rid of stuff it’s likeoh __ he’s gonna kill himselfyeah they were like what are you gonnaeat on or sit on or anything anyways myquestion is basically just about likedigital clutter and two examples wouldbe in this kind of new era of streaminglike prior to five years ago I have youknow 100 gigabytes of music you knowalbums and now also pictures so I thinklike all right Spotify right now I justlisten to it all the time but I got oldsell their music that I haven’t Spotifygonna exist forever like what if theinternet shuts down like you know like Ican listen to it and then pictures I’mlike well do I just keep like dumpingthese pictures onto my computer or do Ijust upload it onto Instagram foreverand then I have it there and I was likefighting I’m like man my brain is likecaught between keeping digital stuff orlike keeping it over here and I don’tthoughts on digital clutter there. Gonnabe a Bogaerts in Cincinnati I’ve seencountless concerts at Bogaerts inCincinnati and now we get to go talkabout minimalism at Bogaerts and I justfeel great about that so ColumbusCleveland come out and see us we’relooking forward to seeing you that’s theend of that first leg and then if you goto the minimalists calm slash tour youcan see we’re working on 28 potentialcities now these cities may change basedon venue availability but subscribe toour email list that way you can be thefirst to know about upcoming events sohere are some potential cities we mightcome to in August through December so wemight hit Canada Saskatoon EdmontonCalgary Vancouver Montreal Ottawa otherwas one of my favorites houseyeah me too how solid are we on thesecities that we might like if you give mea percentage well I mean for any we’redefinitely gonna be going to some ofthem the question is yeah I mean it’sjust hard to book a tour right and sothese are decisions were trying to bookright now if I had to guess of thesetwenty eight will

Source: I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage T Shirt

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Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love:

InSacramento would you please be willingto make the 90 minute drive down to SanFrancisco we’ll make it worth your whileI also you know I love Sacramento Ryan Ithink it’s like the most slept on townmaybe it’s not in America certainly inCalifornia it reminds me of a I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage T Shirt Midwestit’s like Minneapolis but withoutstanding weather and so I really digI really dig Sacramento sadly I don’tget to go there this time and neither doyou Ryan because but we’re gonna be inthree coastal cities San Diego LosAngeles and San Francisco June 11th 16thand 18th respectively I’m so looking forthere’s been an extra like three or fourdays there in Los Angeles I’ll take youover to the to the Russian bath houseswhile we’re there the cold plunge wewill do the cold plunge we will docryotherapy while we’re there we willexplore Griffith Park will explore allthere is food yes I was gonna say no LALake that’s when I think of like thebest sushi I’ve had in the country yesSean the first time he ever had sushiforget the name of the place it’s in astrip. Be somewhere betweentwenty to twenty five of them okay andthen from there Ottawa and Toronto andWinnipeg so that’s what eight ninecities throughout Canada we’re gonna tryto hit in August to September which isby the way the best time to be in CanadaAugust and September and then from therewe’re gonna hit the East Coast New YorkCity Philadelphia Washington DC thoseare the three cities were trying to hiton the East Coast the in that area andthen from there the Mountain States SaltLake City one of our best cities forturnout is surprisingly Salt Lake Citywe just have a lot of people who reallyresonate with our message there in Utahso we’re gonna try our best to get backto Salt Lake and Denver and Albuquerquewhich I’ve not been to in many years andI love Albuquerque one of my favoritecities a lot of our documentaryminimalism was filmed in Albuquerqueactually and let’s see here and we Ihaven’t been wow I haven’t been toAlbuquerque since the tour since sincewe filmed the documentary and since thattour me too Wow yeah and then. They wouldn’tgenuinely add much value to my life bysitting on the floor getting dusty allyear instead they’re going to beblessing from one else who will begenuinely enjoying them so it’s awin win win for me my friend and theperson who will be getting the pair ofboots hey Joshua and Ryan this is Adamfrom Massachusetts thank you both somuch for all that you do to helpsimplify and add value to people’s livesI have a few digital tools that havehelped me reduce the traffic of messagesand lists we so often lose or perhapsmissingon a daily basis the first is Google keywhich is a sticky note application tohelp you add dates and times to remindyou of upcoming tasks that may notwarrant a calendar invite such asdropping off a letter or even makinggrocery lists the notes can be archivedwhen they’re done so it’s less of aninbox look to it although the archivescan be searched at a later time if needbe the second tool is called unroll emII which is an email service for mostcommon email providers and it shows youevery list to which
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