Friday, November 27, 2020

Guess What Yorkie Butt Vintage Retro T Shirt

Or yeah racking up 300 bartabs I mean that’s something. As well you’re like living inthe Pacific Northwest and like. Stuff pretty quicklyyou know what donating it somewhere tosomeone who can use it is greatultimately it’s about finding the stuffa a Guess What Yorkie Butt Vintage Retro T Shirt home just because you don’t getvaluing the stuff doesn’t mean thatsomeone else won’t get value and solet’s find it a new home where someoneelse can enjoy it yeah when I wasdonating stuff after my packing party itfelt really good to give just like acouple little gadgets like a nice nicelittle handheld video camera that I hadthere was some like extra cell phonesthat that I had donated but it feltreally good to think about someonecoming across these awesome finds in ain a donation warehouse somewhere itjust felt really I know that when I wasgrowing up and I would findthese great little deals shopping atthose places it made me really excitedso makes me happy thinking that there’ssome kid who’s coming across some youknow cell phone that’s eight years oldbut he’s really really happy that he’sgot access to a cell phone for whateverwell totally you uhRebecca’s daughter my partner herdaughters

Source: Guess What Yorkie Butt Vintage Retro T Shirt

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Good and I got all my clothes backand after that happened I startedresearching ways to minimize my wardrobeI just thought it was ridiculous that Iput so much into my clothes and why Iyou know held such value in them heyJoshua Ryan my name is AbrahamI’m from New Orleans Louisiana I want toleave a Guess What Yorkie Butt Vintage Retro T Shirt comment about um somethingthat’s working for me and I hope that itworked for other people but I want tolet people know you talk about when yougo to a store to buy something and assoon as that card swipes or as soon asyou hand to cashier your moneythe feeling of goodness goes away well Iwant to tell you that when I’m I’mpaying off me um me and my wife’s deathright now working extra on long hoursworking hard to be debt free and itseems like every single time that I dropa couple extra hundred bucks on the debtthat we have it feels so good likeoverleaf like that I’ve actuallyaccomplished something and I suggestthat everybody trying to take thesmallest debt that you have try yourbest to do whatever youyet to pick up extra hours. Ekendsure yeah I mean or someone like mewhere it’s easy for me to just say no Idon’t drink and and that’s that’s theend of the story and even if you are iteven if you drink sometimes you you cansay no I don’t drink and because you’renot drinking right now and that’s not alie if you’re if you’re not actuallydrinking right now so if it is posingsome sort of problem or if it’s just itsounds like Theresa it’s raising a redflag for you and this is where I said noit’s not about minimalism for me butsome what is what Ryan on the lastepisode talked about what is minimalismreally it’s the intentional use of yourresources right you’re using yourresources more intentionally and so oneof those resources might be your healthor your time or your attention and andif you are being very deliberate withwith those things might mean that youdon’t want to drink right now because itis occupying a space in your brain thatyou don’t feel you don’t feel that itshould be occupying and it has raisedthe red flag for you and if that’s the. We livedin the cabin in the middle of nowherepopulation 870 with that 2020 ruleworked really really well so if you’resomeone who’s holding onto a bunch ofjust incase items yeah start with thatrule that to start getting start gettingrid of stuff the 9090 rule basically ifyou have an object you haven’t used inthe last 90 days you’d be honest withyourself as you if you ask yourself ifyou’re gonna use it in the next 90 daysand the answer is no to get rid of itit’s it’s that covers pretty much allseasons um again our theory is is itworks 99 at a time but that’s just saidit works the majority of the time butyeah incorporating habits like that willhelp you maintain but you gotta stick tothose habits it’s like any otherany other habits you bring into yourlife like I said with working out likeonce you stop well then guess whatyou’re going to start to get unhealthyagain yeah and one of the things I’vereally found empowering allowed me to tolet go of many of the things I washolding on to it’s called the tin tinmaterial possessions
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