Sunday, November 22, 2020

Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt

My online self tobe congruent with my with my privateself. Wasfocused on the wrong stuff I wasn’tfocused on what was important to me Ididn’t even know what was importantanymore I got to that point where it’slike okay happiness is right around thebin and then you get around the bend theright around the corner and there’sanother corner you’re like oh it’s gonnabe around that corner and then you neverget there and it’s like well wait aminute what am I focused on I need tostop trying to worry about being happyand start worrying about what isimportant in my life and so I say yeahyes at that example but I’ll also saythis about about the documentary the thereason that we really wanted to makethis film a Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt what I said earlier duringthe intro is we wanted to find a way tomake minimalismmore accessible because it has for awhile been the Josh and Ryan show andwe’ve we’ve shown a bunch of a P otherminimalist in other ways we could butthis was the way for us to say look atall these other recipes you have Leo BobAlta in there with six kids and he putsus to shame he washes his t shirts. Weheaded back to the US yeah one day rightbefore that last stop I got food it wasa double header that night yeah PerthAustralia 800 people show up to thisgallery but and yeah you are you yougive a double talk to talks one nightwith food poisoning that’s man and thenwe’re flying back and with our layover Iremember it being something absurd like54 hours to get back to Missoula fromPerth there was something nuts me Iremember that month it took me all ofDecember to just get back into the sleepcycle man to not feel like I was likefloating in space I just remember havinglike a spacey like really worn outfeeling that whole month yeah you knowand not just adjusting to the time zonesbut yeah going from oh my god like yeahwe’ve got to get up go to someinterviews then we maybe can grab somegood coffee then maybe go to a museumand then we have an event and then weget up the next morning maybe do acouple more interviews and then off tothe next city it was like this constantlike you said go go go go yeah yeah andand I mean these weren’t

Source: Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt

Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women

Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt
Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt

See more: Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt

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Is a Cow I Don't Have An Attitude Just A Personality You Can't Handle T-Shirt unique question fromTheresa over in Seattle I heardJoshua. Maybesome sort of kink you had it may that’scool maybe. To take it off your shouldersand set it down and keep walking yes yesI think that’s beautiful I think it’s agreat place to end that we’ll move onreal quick to right here right now sowhere we talk about I don’t have ascript in front of me so Ryan we talkedabout what’s going on in the lives ofthe minimalist that’s us and so Ryan andI are traveling a little bit we’ve beendoing some fun tours we call theminimalists city fines so if you go toour Instagram page you don’t even haveto be on Instagram to check this out youcan just go to Instagram comm slash theminimalists we will share some of ourfavorite experiences whether it’sChristmas tree hunting or cryotherapy orgoing to a concert or just a really coolbreakfast spot in LA we’re going to begoing to Florida soon we’re gonna see aconcert there Griffin House is isperforming andwe’re just gonna be hanging out at thecoffee shop our coffee shop and thatCoffee Co we’re doing some remodelingthere and we’re gonna share a little bitof that on on instagram using thehashtag the minimalists
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