Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt

Who just started ashoe making business where he makescustom leather boots and he offered tomake me a I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt pair for free because I washis friend and had helped him out withsome things in the past well at the timewe live in Michigan and since then I’vemoved to Florida so completely I’ve beenlistening to your podcast and it causedme to rethink boots situation it justdoesn’t make any sense for me to own apair of Austin awesome custom made handboots that I will rarely ever wearliving in Florida it would make a lotmore sense for someone in Michigan tohave them where they’ll be worn all thetime so I talked to my friend andfortunately he hadn’t started making myboots yet so I asked him if instead hewould make them for someone else and hesaid that he actually had someone inmind that he knew was in need and wouldreally appreciate them so even though ithurt a little bit to give away a reallyamazing pair of high quality handcraftedshoes which are technically minimalismfriendly it still didn’t make any sensefor me to own them as. Moreempowering traditions that you can carryforward into the future yeah and youknow I think one thing toois it’s okay to support traditions thatyou’re not a hundred percent on boardwith lake for example I’m going back tothe cookies uh huhlet’s say that you know I go to familymembers house and just like Sara’sthey’ve always got you know fourteendifferent kinds of cookies out it Idon’t have to eat those cookies rightand even if you know like some areforced upon me to bring home rightI could always like give those cookiesto someone else you would really reallyenjoy those but going through the wholeprocess and experience you know going toyour mom or dad and saying wow this isreally nice spread of cookies yeah youalways do a really these cookies are sobeautiful right and you know the cookiesthat you give me I’m always able toshare those with others and they reallyappreciate them so and I’m just usingthat you know the cookies as an examplehere but finding ways to support otherpeople in their traditions that. Over theyears and I have not been treated aswell by by a venue then we have here andthank you all for just giving us such agreat welcome yeah amenyou can tell the team whether it’s thelighting or the audio or just the peoplethat cook does dinner here tonight theyare like a family and it’s just it’s sorefreshing to see that a place like thisexists you never know what you’re goingto get when you show up you never knowreally what to expect and I try to go init without any expectations but thisplace clearly has very high standards sowe’re just really grateful that youallowed us into into your home heretonight and I really want to thank allI’m gonna take a couple other people tooConrad’s back there filming this wedon’t know what we’re going to do withwhat we’re filming right now and that’sso as I mentioned we started this thingsix years ago we just went out on theroad and sort of listening to people andwe would tell a story like I this isgoing to kill and people are likecrickets like and and because we didn’thave anything really

Source: I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt

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I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt
I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt

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I hadtrouble and yeah sure and like yeah finda 4×4 I’d just be able to like go up andover everything and be fine not a I Will Not Buy Any Fabric Until I Use My Fabric Stash At Home I Said And Then I Laughed And Laughed T-Shirt littleways though and if people go back to ifyou for those of you so we’re by the wayfor everyone who’s listening I don’tknow what platform you’re on we’re onYouTube live right now and we’reanswering questions on on YouTube livewe’re also answered some questions fromour social media feeds whether it’sTwitter and Instagram at the minimalistor facebook com slash the minimalistwe’ll have answer some questions fromthere as well but if those of you wholisten to our podcasts you you can goback to the holiday episode we did and Ihave a four wheel drive vehicle I have aToyota 4runner and I have itspecifically because we live in Montanaif I lived in Los Angeles I wouldn’thave the same vehicle I don’t think itmakes sense to have here but but thepoint being is I you can still you canstill get hurt yes I mean you hit ice itdoesn’t matter what you’re driving inonce you hit ice it’s gonna slide yeahyeah but. ThereDavid Freelander and and his wifeJacqueline and they had you know 520 560square foot micro apartment in Brooklynand what they had learned through a lotof study is that we use about 40 of ourhomes on a monthly basis that means 60 of our homes in America go go unused andthe average house being built last yearis over 4 000 square feet and inaddition to that we have 2 2 billionsquare feet of storage space so we’rebuilding houses that still aren’t bigenough to hold all of our crap that isnot a housing problem that is a stuffproblem right and the cool thing aboutfinding a space that is appropriate foryou I know it so in some ways forces youto get rid of the excess stuff becauseyou’re not gonna have a bunch of storagespace I remember when I first moved toto Missoula Montana we started apublishing company called asymmetricalpress it was me and Ryan and our friendColin we were looking for houses to rentand we found a house that would havebeen perfectbut it had a ton of storage space and Iknow for some people that. Now mine are going to be alot worse than some people with someor really bad I mean you’ve seen thesethese documentaries where people can’teven live in a house anymore I have togo live in a tent out in the wildernessthe gala was butchered in the lamb withyeahcouple weeks ago when we walked in thereMarla Sarris was with us and I went togive her a hug and like I went to grabhug she’s like all night you know nicenice to meet youand I guess she didn’t ask me becauseI’m a guy but then she went to hug Marlaand she was like wait do you smell andshe was like what if you she was likeyeah do you wear any fragrances oranything she’s like no I don’t she’slike okay good because I can’t standlike she has the same thing where shewill leave the room like just if she’sin a setting where all of a suddensomeone comes in with some like strongfingers fragrances she will have such abad reaction that she literally justlike get up and walk out like she’s leftin the middle of meals like reallythings that seem rude but at the end ofthe day it’s
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