Tuesday, January 26, 2021

There Their They're Driving Me Nuts Teacher Life 2020 T Shirt

So my friends are concerned so my conservative friends like going to put it throug THE There Their They're Driving Me Nuts Teacher Life 2020 T Shirt r mind will whatsoever you mean to extract. BASICALLY DESTROY Q THAT’S GOING ON RIGHT NOW AND IT’S HAPPENING AT DEFTLY CROSSED THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA NEXT UP DESPITE THE OUR EVIDENCE SHOWING THAT CUNARD MOVEMENT HAS BEEN INFILTRATED BY RUSSIAN OPERATIVES LEFTIST REPORTERS CLING TO ANTI SEMITISM INFILTRATION TO HURT THE MOVEMENT. Tammy Tatro Tatro she said officers found marijuanaand alluded 9 mm semiautomatic weapon in the car the driver of the car Marie starting 26 was also arrested for the investigation she said Mr secure support was released on 1000 to Mr Harding was transferred on Saturday to Parker Center for on the close undisclosed medical problem Mr support 22 start with Janet Jacksonand last year’s movie poetic justice as a rapper he released his debut album under the name Tupac last year was nominated for best new rapper hip hop artist at the Sears American music awards he did not plan okay so you know the you feel that so at the end of many people today say that about you he did not win that I’m telling you articles articles breve off of the last seconds the last seconds of the article article is the lingering effect he did not when leaves a chilling effect on you when you understand what their agenda when you understand that they’re not gonna let you what that’s what they’re saying he did not when to let him when you’re not going to let him win in is not about letting people when is just saying that even it doesn’t matter what he would’ve done okay he was sold 1 billion copies it what it doesn’t matter he would not have on the control okay MSA New York Times controlsand understand it’s a cabal of people that sit at the top in control controls the media gives out these awards okay so it’s not like he was ever going to win in the first place but it is a better there just closing it out rather chillingly when you know he did not want okay so the way that this whole article is written is Ratzinger rested for weapons encrypt inquiry about what’s read over this first part again one more time the rest of to buy sugar was arrested on Friday for an investigation into a concealed weapons chargeand was released on bail on Saturday the police said if you just stop right there okay make you think that the weapon is saysand that the leader says or at least 11and a man mentioned the lead insulator that the weapon is has okay later on in the article okay is when you find out the driver of the car in the third paragraph is when you find out Tupac wasn’t even driving the car he wasn’t even driving the car okay the understand where this is going so it people may fail what you know I’m not nitpicking I’m showing you systematically how this breaks down systematically how the media puts a person in a certain category in the will keep you there let’s be reminded all the reviews started out good dimensions of Tupac were goodand so you got VP Dan Quayle who to write in their indecisive his new demon was okay from that point forward there was maybe one more good review about a movie everything else everything else in the New York Times about Tupac after that all had negative connotation to all of okay so that’s what were doing that now let’s go back to the articles about when when he actually died now you know the article before you know I am like I said back to the closing sentences so they close it out like that all right the article on the day that he did die is a lot more you know I don’t even know if I could save for these people but sensitive it was a lot more informative if you see the length of the article you know if there is to closes out with the sentence that’s not a leading sentences making you feel any kind away besides the way of what was really important he is survived by his motherand half sister who live in Decatur Georgiaand half brother Marie starting okay so right there low you understand what I’m saying right there alone you can see okay well on this article the biggest article that they wrote about Tupac because you know Tupac that was one of the biggest things of that time it was huge it was phenomenally was worldwide when Tupac was killed at 25 so this article was written very carefully okay very carefullyand in this article is good at every Mr Accor was a complexand sometimes contradictory figure with a career featuring featuring million psi million selling albums gunshot wounds run ins with the police he was an intelligent video writer lit study acting at the high school of performing arts in Baltimore he was an accomplished wrapper with a husky baritoneand crisp enunciation he was also late also a convicted sex offenderand the worst of Outlook look out over tattooed on his body okay so you get the sense of of more of a sense of who he was are those negative connotations that you know the media help to her trayand actually put him in this box are they still there yesterday still thereand yesterday still written last the lead that taste in your mouth but at the same time they knew in this article they had to put more of his accomplishments actually in Tupac was an amazingly gifted in an amazingly talented manand easily gifted I’m talking about when the lines of if you think about mathematics Martin Luther King Stokely Carmichael Fred Hampton if you think about some of the act is the activist from back in the day okay think about themand think about what their platform was as far as the liberation of people actually Tupac was about that’s what he talked about that’s what illuminati was about the liberation of people from government controland grass they started to see beyond color that this is an all about color that this is really goes a lot deeperand this really say it’s a plan this is really just all one big planand its created by Arleyand that’s what Tupac was trying to get people to see in the great people out of a lesson you can live the life that you want to live you happen to live like that you told the lead in getting me put us in the stock environments in these neighborhoodsand Andy’s quote on quote projects so that we know was created by the government projects because that’s exactly what would it was a project to see how many people can live a little boxlike situation stacked on top of each otherand they still live that way today so Tupac say you don’t have to live in the projects you don’t have to grow up this way you can be somebody else you can be moreand then that person is saying that you can be more you can be intelligent you can live outside of the circumstances that you place that that same person that same man shot two police officersand was acquitted of the charges now you have somebody that’s telling you that’s trying to liberate a certain segment of the population of people trying to liberate people is telling you can step above the governmentand live your own life don’t you think maybe it’s just say that’s more than coincidence that Tupac was murdered it it’s is not just a coincidence is not something that all this is just let me know this is just what happenedand we never found his killer visit him to tell you that SMI kills a cop shoots a copter find in his Keller care how much security footage they have to go through there to find his Keller painting with Tupac they’ll kill Tupac because they kill Tupac K it outand it doesn’t it doesn’t cost that much to kill people it really doesn’t matter the most of the cost is a promise I’ll take care you take care this for me at the promise somebody’s now dead on his works it says how simple it is to kill people honestly I’m just keeping it real with you so let’s go to next to the final article shot silent angry voice sharpened by the streets treated again shot silent angry voice sharpened by the streets this article came out after two books that about a day day after day or two after okay now this article is an ignorant article another article you know so a day goes into the bicoastal rivalryand anybody that knows the whole story of this those that that bicoastal rivalry was set up was nothing more than a set up an entertainment business set up this was bigger than pot can be that the visionary factor had to be placed into the into the rap culture at that time because without the vision without division listen closely without division those who perpetrate their accident evil cannot winand they knew that about potand babyand understand listen where the only people that have been dealing with dividing races dividing nations dividing people for a very very long time okay so these people have been doing this for a very long time very long time you don’t think that they understood that the movement the rack movement going on inand that the unity that was being gained through that metand literally the liberation in the eyes opening to the unjust evils of the world you don’t think that movement was somehow someway infiltrated right away course it was course okay so I though also into this whole article either but I’m just in a say this this whole report was just to let you guys get a breakdown you know from the time of 1993 until the time of night sites from time of 1992and to the time of 1996 that article afterand within that four year span that for your time

Source: There Their They're Driving Me Nuts Teacher Life 2020 T Shirt

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Since I started doing the slideshows I actually have a There Their They're Driving Me Nuts Teacher Life 2020 T Shirt copy of it I just gotta go to the files they by date and try to and try to try to find it but it is there so Cuomo did order them to put coronavirus patients into nursing homes deliberately saving in Pennsylvania same thing in Michigan same thing in California and it was one of the state I think was Illinois or Wisconsin 106 but it was five states altogether that did it and after it came out that Cuomo issued an order he ordered the health department to delete the other publication of the publication of the order so is a lot on handed crooked shit going on any scared shipments as white as a one investigation blessing what national review at the say about it lotus up some more so hopefully you guys can see and read along if you can with the help by asthma gallery not working okay our area we are going to rejecting calls of an independent investigation was shown a blurrier you are rejecting calls for independent investigation in the deaths of coronavirus patients in state nursing home. Sanders speaking on his behalf will be to progressive champions Bob King and Representative Alexandria Accorsi O Cortez and Bob King is a proud union member and former president of a great American union the UAW I’m honored to nominate Bernie Sanders for president for decades Bernie has led the fight for working families fighting for workers rights to organize unions and collectively bargain the time of enormous inequality he understands that we must confront large corporations which have far too much control over our economy and our politics but he believes healthcare. Try on a number of start going have to take it to the naked mole rat only to Odyssey autosave and probably appreciated because like they don’t have easy congressional access to everybody’s takebacks but the NSA does so you discover
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